Our Jesse Tree

our walk through the Old Testament...
leading us to God's ultimate Plan of Salvation

(you can go here to learn more about The Jesse Tree and begin your journey)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Jesse Tree

So this is the first night of our family's Jesse Tree devotional tradition. We are taking 10-15 minutes out of our busy lives to devote to learning the story of God's salvation plan from Creation throughout the Old Testament. (sometimes I have to break up a sibling smackdown and remind them that they have to stop bickering, forgive and love each other...... at least for the next 15 minutes)

I have gathered information off the web with suggested nightly devotions that are short, but give a little lesson with each night's scripture. Then you take an ornament that represents the devotion and hang it on the Jesse Tree. We are going to try to hand make them, but not being super crafty.......we might have a few from Target in the mix. ;)

The devotions "officially" start December 1st, but tonight we read the scripture Isaiah 11:1-2 which as you can see.....explains the meaning of the Jesse Tree.
Tonight's devotion was about how there was a man named Jesse who had seven sons.....the youngest was David. David would later become a great king of Israel.....showing us that God had a plan for Jesse and his son David....even before they were born.
It also explained that Jesus was part of the Jesse and David family tree.....born much later. People were waiting a long time for the birth of the Savior....and the season of Advent is a season for waiting for us too.

Our first ornament is the stump of a tree with a tiny shoot.... representing the new life/new King. (*remember, I am doing the best I can with my lack of craftiness)

Out of the stump of David's family will grow a shoot--yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root. And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on him--the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.
~ Isaiah 11:1-2

I'd love to see anyone else's Jesse Tree creations too....or if you'd like to start this year.....we can do it together! Send me a link to share. :)


dude said...

I love that ornament! Thanks for sharing your tradition with us!

Shark Bait said...

That is a pretty awesome ornament.

RCUBEs said...

This is way too cool! Great to hear from you. God bless you sister and may you have a wonderful holiday celebration!

Beth E. said...

This is a great idea, Michelle!