Our Jesse Tree

our walk through the Old Testament...
leading us to God's ultimate Plan of Salvation

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

john the baptist

Tonight's reading is about Zechariah and Elizabeth's son, John. The story jumps ahead to the New Testament and confirms that John was chosen by God to tell everyone about Jesus. Although not everyone listed to John, I am pretty sure he had no problem getting people's attention. Talk about a radical Christian! This guy wore clothes made from camel's hair and wore this crazy leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.....woah.
But even though he was a wild sight.....there was quite a few people who did listen to John. He preached about Jesus, the Savior that God had promised the people so many years ago. He wanted people to confess their sins and turn away from their old ways. He baptized them in the Jordan River.

We snagged this shell out of Nev's collection. :)

People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River ~Matthew 3:5-6


Shark Bait said...

I love John the Baptist. I've always told myself "You might never be Jesus, but there's no reason you can't be John."

~*Michelle*~ said...

Love that SB!